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Roadmap Adrar


Charterflights , directly Paris-Atar, weekly from 21/12/2024 until 08/03/2025
point-afrique.com (click on "Vols Secs" to have simple flights).

N.b. From Atar there are no other flights.

Regular Flights daily from/to Nouakchott, Europe and Africa.

Regular Flights Nouadhibou from/to:
Nouakchott (daily)
Las Palmas (3 times a week)
Zouerate (3 times a week)

Public transport Comfortable and regular minibus services:
Nouakchott-Atar (duration appr. 5 hrs)
Departure: 7.30 hrs and 15.30 hrs (in 2 directions)

Nouakchott-Nema and Bamako

Collective (irregular) Taxis:
From Atar to Chinguetti, Ouadane, Terjit, Azougui and Tidjikja (irregular)

Visa are delivered at any official border and all airports ( 55 €, one month valid).
Prolongation is possible in Atar, as well as custom papers for cars.


ATM's in all cities, in Atar only visa card accepted!

TRAIN: The ultimate adventure!
The iron ore train daily joins Zouerate and Nouadhibou, stopping at Choum.
On the ore wagons travelling is for free, there are passenger wagons as well, (paid).

Medical Care The climate being dry and healthy, mosquitos are without malaria, no vaccinations required.
Still, in case, there are simple, quite modern hospitals in Atar and Chinguitty and of course in Nouakchott.



Bab Sahara - BP 59 Atar - Mauritanie / tel.+222 46473966 / whatsapp: +31649644657 / justusbuma@yahoo.com