As we settled in Atar (1998), we were the only employer of our district called Edebay, rapidly acquiring a big social responsibility. This resulted in following social activities:
First aid for children around us, wounded or ill. Later on adults started to consult us as well.
After tidying up our place (once we bought it), we undertook the same action for our direct surroundings, the district called Edebay.
With enormous help of the citizans, the children and the township- without forgetting to mention some of our guests- we could even clean the (mostly dry) riverbed of about 500 Tons of household and other waste. Later, the Town municipality organised a weekly waste collection of the district, and nearly all of our city.
Construction of a small local dispensary with its equipment, co-financed by a Canadian NGO.
Permanent maintenance of and help for the school of Edebay, with its 270 pupils.
Building of new school toilets in 2019
Providing schools with educational material and sports equipment.
Motivation Support and organization of youth sport activities.
Dental care missions in several schools of Atar.
Construction of a pedagogic centre in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of the city, where the children really need afterschool learning (and a nutritious meal!)
The building and current function are financed by merely private German donations.
We offer ourselves as mediators between volunteers or financers and local projects for youth.
You are very welcome to join us with help and ideas in order to improve the life of the children!